IT Services
Work From Home
With the recent news that the pandemic numbers are increasing and we are being asked to work from home if possible. Are you ready?
Work From Home
In March, many businesses rushed to work from home with “make-shift” solutions in the hope that it was only a temporary measure. Five months later we saw a return to office working as many people started to migrate back to their offices to try and get back to the old norm. Sadly, the spread and positive testing has meant a second wave with many regional lockdowns and we’re back to being asked if possible, to work from again. Are you read for WFH2?
With working from home, many businesses are open to a higher level of breach with a reduced security. We saw in the past 6 months, double the breaches than we did in the whole of 2019.
Download our guide for a better setup to work from not just home, but anywhere.